2.Our construction works for Riemannian surfaces of higher genus, with its image now contained in subsets of the sphere with more equally spaced portions of the equator cut out, and it gives a general method to construct harmonic maps from compact Riemann surfaces of any genus into symmetric surfaces: We first. In 1742, d’Alembert developed the Principle of Dynamic Virtual Work in the form. A detailed explanation of this region is present in the next sections, see Fig. Equation 6.3.4 can be rewritten as Fi pi 0. The proposed calculus of variations extends the problems with delta derivatives considered in 6, 7 and analogous nabla problems 1, 11 to more general cases described by the product of a delta and a nabla integral. Riesz–Markov–Kakutani representation theoremĪ measure $\mu$ on Borel subsets of the real line is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure $\lambda$ (in other words, dominated by $\lambda$ ) if for every measurable set $A$, $\lambda(A) = 0$ implies $\mu(A)=0$. Bernoulli introduced dynamics by using Newton’s Law to related force and momentum. 5 Conclusion A general necessary optimality condition for problems of the calculus of varia- tions on time scales has been given.